Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Monkey Love.

You may or may not have noticed the monkey doing the robot on the bottom of my page. Just a little thing I found surfing the internet. Anyway, so far this town is pretty much everything I expected to be. Drug addled, clean, tiny, and full of malls. Pretty much everything I could want. I went to school for the first time today, got about 80,000 pages of paperwork, met no one at the school, and finally met a stoner on my way home. Productive, eh?

Grand Opening

After several minutes of torturous hell, I finally managed to get my blog up and running. My hopes are that millions of lost souls will find my blog and find inspiration to carry on in life. Even though I probably would be happy to know that family and friends read this abomination, it can't hurt me to dream big. So welcome to my blog! I'll try to update it every time something interesting happens.